The Ideal Hair QuaranTeam!

Hello lovelies, I hope you’re good! I hope you and your loved ones are safe during this period! If you’re not, I hope God sees you through it all!

Let’s talk hair, shall we? Uganda was put on lockdown and everyone was in self quarantine before I got a chance to have my hair braided in a salon. And because of that, I had to get help from my little sister to do my hair!

When it comes to doing my hair, am not that good. It’s hard to braid your own hair because of the arm muscle aches you can get. My little sister goes to a school that allows them to grow their hair and so she has learned quite a bit. Here’s what she did in my hair.

The “lines” may not be as straight as should be but I think she did a pretty good job! Its just a bunch of cornrows that will protect my hair from damage while encouraging “its growth”.I like to think of the scalp as though it were a circle or an oval. And it is on that oval that you design the different hairstyles you might want to create!

I hope that circle (pictured above) helps. And so it’s from this circle that you can then start making different demarcations or hair lines to create a section of hair to braid of style! Here are some styles I have done before.

This time round, I decided to make bantu knots in my sister’s hair. Bantu knots is a hairstyle in which sections of hair are twisted and then rolled out to create knots. It was a hairstyle worn by prestigious Zulu women back in the day which makes it a classic to me. This time round, I made them differently for them to last longer in my sister’s hair.

Instead of twisting them, I braided the hair sections and then twisted them (sections) into knots.

I wanted them to last longer (she’s a bit playful) ! The only products used are water and a hair oil!And that’s a wrap for today lovelies! I hope it was helpful!

Till next time, Ba-bye!

Truly,Humura Ruth

*Let’s connect on social media too!

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Facebook: @zeehumura

Twitter: @HumuraRuth

Podcast Channel : ZeeHumura Show available on many podcast platforms including Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Castbox and Anchor!


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